District 19-L Committees & Coordinators
Cabinet Secretary
- Simon Yau, PDG
- Cell phone: 604-657-1886
- Email: ayau88@shaw.ca
Cabinet Treasurer
- Anita Ip
- Cell phone: 604-338-8177
- Email: anitaip88@hotmail.com
BC Lions Society
- Sharon Hanson, ZC
- Home phone: 604-929-8236
- Cell phone: 604-805-8236
- Email: harrypotter007@shaw.ca
- Carmen Cheng
- Cell phone: 604-728-2808
- Email: kachen@gmail.com
- Pollyanna Liu, PZC
- Cell phone: 604-773-3212
- Email: lui_pollyanna@yahoo.com
Childhood Cancer
- Linda Li
- Cell phone: 604-306-2213
- Email: lindazhenil@gmail.com
Club Support Team (CST)
- May Ho, DG
Leadership (GLT)
- Kenneth Liu, PDG
- Cell phone: 604-761-3791
- Email: kenliu604@gmail.com
- Albert Wong
- Work phone: 604-338-7070
- Email: awlions2021@outlook.com
Membership (GMT)
- Syrus Lee, PDG
- Cell phone: 604-290-2808
- Email: leesyrus@gmail.com
- Lily Cheng
- Cell phone: 604-880-3899
- Email: lilycheung1003@hotmail.com
Service (GST)
- Kitty Lo, PZC
- Cell phone: 604-883-3788
- Email: lionskittylo@gmail.com
- Cecil Fung, PDG
- Cell phone: 604-961-3151
- Email: cecilfung@me.com
Constitution And Bylaws
- Polly Voon, PCC
- Cell phone: 604-290-7756
- Email: polly_voon@telus.net
Contests And Awards
- Melissa Zhang
- Work phone: 604-710-9539
- Email: Melissa-Zhang@hotmail.com
Cultural And Community Activity
- Peter Cheng, PDG
- Cell phone: 604-603-9913
- Email: hkyk_peter@hotmail.com
Diabetes Awareness
- Matthew Wong
- Cell phone: 604-671-6628
- Email: speedymw@yahoo.com
Environment (co–chair)
- Kitty Chiu
- Work phone: 604-728-0288
- Email: kitchiu38@gmail.com
- Alvina Seid
- Home phone: 604-818-2283
- Email: alvinaseid@yahoo.ca
Hearing Awareness
- Lucy Quinn
- Cell phone: 604-889-8219
- Email: lucyscreations@shaw.ca
Hunger Relief
- Karen Hui
- Cell phone: 778-688-7213
- Email: gagahui@shaw.ca
- Ralph Long, PID
- Work phone: 604-876-0492
- Email: rhlonglions@gmail.com
Information Technology
- Biston Cheung
- Cell phone: 778-960-7822
- Email: bistonc@hotmail.com
International Relations
- Kenneth Liu, PDG
- Cell phone: 604-761-3791
- Email: kenliu604@gmail.com
L.C.I.F. Coordinator
- Sheila Keung, PDG
- Cell phone: 604-803-698
- Email: sheilakung@gmail.com
Leo Liason
- Fred Lackmance
- Cell phone: 604-505-4770
- Email: flackmance@gmail.com
Lions Foundation Of Canada
- Sheila Keung, PDG
- Cell phone: 604-803-698
- Email: sheilakung@gmail.com
Lions Quest
- Vivian Lo
- Cell phone: 778-388-7851
- Email: khlo@dccnet.com
- Polly Voon, PCC
- Cell phone: 604-290-7756
- Email: polly_voon@telus.net
Peace Posters
- Amy Tam
- Cell phone: 604-889-7187
- Email: lionamyt@gmail.com
- Danny Li
- Cell phone: 604-760-8575
- Email: dl2504@gmail.com
- Stephen Ng
- Cell phone: 604-230-2338
- Email: lionstephennh@gmail.com
Sight Awareness
- Kenneth Chui
- Work phone: 778-999-2238
- Email: kennyccm@gmail.com
Youth Exchange
- George Sim, PZC
- Cell phone: 778-838-8727
- Email: georgesim@shaw.ca