Gordon F. Smith CARE Fellowship

he Gordon F. Smith CARE Fellowship was launched by Multiple District 19 at the 2004 MD19 Fall Forum in Richmond, British Columbia in honor of PDG Gordon F. Smith. Smith served as the MD19 Executive Secretary–Treasurer from 1960 to 1985 and was the driving–force behinf the long–standing partnership between MD19 Lions and CARE. He is the first recipient of the Fellowship.
CARE, which Lions have chosen to partner with on international projects since 1958, is one of the world's leading humanitarian and philanthropic organizations. It is dedicated to working with the poorest of the poor.
Click here for more information and to download details about the current MD19 CARE project.
Award A Fellowship
Gordon F. Smith CARE Fellowships can be awarded to a Lion or to any individual a Lion or club wants to honor. Fellowship recipients receive a beautiful pin and a certificate. Gordon F. Smith Fellowships can be presented at the club, zone, or district level.
The Fellowships are available for every $50000 (U.S. or Canadian) donated to CARE through the MD19 office during a Lions year. (Note that unlike Melvin Jones Fellowships, donations and are not “banked” and can not be used for a Fellowship after the year in which the donation was made).
If your club would like to award a Gordon F. Smith fellowship, complete an application form and send it to the MD19 Lions Office. If you would like more information, please contact the MD19 Lions Office by email, or call (360) 733-4911. CARE donations must be made to and processed by the MD19 office, not directly to CARE, to qualify for a Felllowship award.
A Gordon F. Smith Fellowship is an additional way to support the CARE project chosen by MD19 each year. Through CARE, MD19 Lions have helped build clean water systems, improve maternal health for women and children, stop the sexual exploitation of children and fill many other philanthropic needs throughout the world.
Earn A Banner Patch
In addition to the Fellowship, any MD19 Club contributing a minimum of $500 per member during the Lions Year (July 1 to June 30) will receive a CARE banner patch. The first year a club reaches the minimum of $500 per member, a starter patch with the word CARE on it will be sent along with a year rocker patch. After the first year, only the year patch will be sent.