MD19: Serving Lions Clubs In British Columbia, Northern Idaho And Washington Since 1922
MD19 map

Start A Club

Thank you for your interest in starting a Lions club, Leo club, club branch or campus club.

Lions meet the needs of local communities and the world. The 12,000 members of MD19 Lions Clubs are part of 1.4 million Lions club members who perform community service in over 200 countries and geographic areas. Lions and Lions clubs are different in many ways, but share a core belief: community is what we make it. MD19 members are a network of individual clubs united in helping others and improving their communities.

Please provide the following information and a member of the club extension team will contact you. if you do not hear back from anyone withion 2 business days, something went haywire so please either try again or contact the MD19 office by email or by phone at 360-733-4911.

New to Lions
A former Lions club member
A former Leo club member
A member of a Lions club in British Columbia, Washington or Idaho

Lions club
Leo club
Club branch
Campus club