MD19: Serving Lions Clubs In British Columbia, Northern Idaho And Washington Since 1922
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Become A Lion

As a Lions Club Member you will join a local group of service–minded men and women who volunteer to support your community every day. You will also become a member of Lions Clubs International— a respected international organization, a leader in your local community, and a friend to people in need.

Becoming a Lions club member gives you the opportunity to volunteer locally or internationally. Make new friends and professional connections. Lead projects that make your community a better place to live. Have fun doing it!

There are several ways to become a Lion— and serve. Lions clubs offer volunteer programs for college students, kids, adults and families.

  • Regular Membership: Are you interested in volunteer programs, community service and making our world a better place? Lions Clubs International (LCI) offers community members the opportunity to volunteer locally together as a group. Members are expected to meet membership requirements such as dues set by the club and LCI. Take the first step toward membership today – contact a local club and ask to be invited to a meeting.
  • Family Membership: Looking for special volunteer programs and activities you can do with your family? Family membership allows relatives to volunteer together at a reduced dues rate. Family members must meet membership requirements, live in the same household and belong to the same club. Children cannot become members, but can participate in the Cub Program, which allows children under age 12 the opportunity to build a lifelong dedication to helping others. If more than one member of your family is joining a club, tell them you want to join as a family unit.
  • Student Membership: Our student volunteer programs allow you to make new friends – and help others in your community at the same time. With a student membership, your dues are reduced. If you are enrolled in an educational institution and between the age of legal majority and 30, tell the club you are joining that you would like to take advantage of the Student Member Program dues discount.
  • Leo to Lion Membership If you are a current or former Leo club member between the age of legal majority and through age 30, take the opportunity to receive a dues discount and continue doing volunteer work with Lions Clubs International ... as a Lion!

Click on the Join A Club tab above to get more information or help starting your Lions Club, club branch or campus club.

Start a New Club

Start a new Lions club and develop programs that interest you. While community-based clubs are our tradition, we realize that one size does not fit all. That's why we offer several club types for you to choose from:

  • Traditional clubs are the most common club type, and offer a group of people flexibility when serving their community. Consider chartering a club based on members common interests such as a hobby, profession or ethnicity. Often, a shared interest brings even greater energy to a group of Lions.
  • A club branch allows a small group of people to start a club before they have reached the 20 person charter requirement so they can start making a difference in their community sooner.
  • Campus clubs make an impact on your local college or university community while connecting students, faculty members and business leaders. Campus clubs offer students the opportunity to strengthen their leadership skills and build their resume.

Whatever the case, we will help you start the Lions club that works best for you and your community.

Click on the Start A New Club tab above to get more information or help starting your Lions Club, club branch or campus club.