Multiple District 19 Contacts
- Multiple District 19 Office
- Address:
- Multiple District 19 Lions Clubs International
- 4141 Bennett Drive
- Bellingham, WA U.S.A. 98226
- Email: md19lions@lionsmd19.org
- Directions:
- U. S. Mail:
- Multiple District 19 Lions Clubs International
- 4141 Bennett Drive
- Bellingham, WA U.S.A. 98226
- Canada Mail:
- Multiple District 19 Lions Clubs International
- P.O. Box 1621
- Aldergrove, BC V4W 2V1
- Peter Anderson — Executive Director
- Work Phone: 360-733-4911
- Cell phone: 360-450-8272
- Email: ExecutiveDirector@lionsmd19.org
- Michele Barrie — Administrative Assistant
- Work phone: 360-733-4911
- Email: md19admin@lionsmd19.org
- Send Submissions and Reports to:
- Club Newsletters/Bulletins
- Email: md19lions@lionsmd19.org
- Club Secretary Reports
- Email: md19lions@lionsmd19.org
- IPDG Expense Reporting
- Email: md19lions@lionsmd19.org
- VDG Expense Reports
- Email: md19lions@lionsmd19.org
- Zone Chairperson Reports
- Email: md19lions@lionsmd19.org
- Club Newsletters/Bulletins
- Address:
- The Al Boe Wheelchair Warehouse (Bellingham Central Lions Club)
- Address: 4141 Bennett Drive, Bellingham, WA 98226
- Phone: 360-752-5526
- Email: info@bellinghamcentrallions.org
- Web: www.bellinghamcentrallions.org/al-boe-wheelchair-warehouse/
- Lions Clubs International
- 300 West 22nd Street, Oak Brook, Illinois U.S.A. 60523-8842
- Phone: 630-571-5466
- FAX: 630-571-8890
- www.lionsclubs.org
- www.facebook.com/lionsclubs
- Report Website Problems or Broken Links: