MD19: Serving Lions Clubs In British Columbia, Northern Idaho And Washington Since 1922
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International President's Medals

Awarded by the International President to recognize Lions who distinguish themselves for exemplary service that significantly strengthens their community or the Association by being personally involved in club service projects, being supportive of the programs of Lions Clubs International, being supportive of LCIF and having sponsored at least one new member.

Outline image of district
Outline image of district
Outline image of district
Outline image of district
Outline image of district
Outline image of district
Outline image of district
Outline image of district
Outline image of district
Outline image of district

District 19–C

Recipients From District 19–C Year
Patricia Baron 2018-2019
John Bergvall, PDG 2003-2004
Emerson Bishop, PDG 2004-2005
Pat Burch, IPDG 2021-2022
Marilyn Danby, PDG 2020-2021
Bud Dunlap, CC 1994-1995
Bud Dunlap, PDG 2004-2005
Barbara Ellis, PDG 2007-2008
Bill Ellis, PDG 2007-2008
Mike Gayda, PDG 1995-1996
Jim Glenn, PCC 1991-1992
Al Hedstrom, VCC 2019-2020
Allan Hedstrom, CC 2020-2021
John Kirry, PDG 2016-2017
Harry Krause 2003-2004
Jim LaBell, PDG 2006-2007
Jim McCown, PDG 2007-2008
Dee McDermott, PZC 2019-2020
Jim McDermott, ZC 2019-2020
Donna Murr, DG 2020-2021
Jim Reinecke, PDG 2009-2010
Devid Risley, PDG 2019-2020
Bob Wagers, PDG 2000-2001
Charles "V" Waid, PDG 2011-2012
Jan Weathrerly, VDG 2015-2016
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